There are lots of ways that you can get involved with the work of Mothers’ Union here in the Diocese of Winchester and worldwide. A really good start would be to find out what Mothers’ Union members are doing in churches in your area and offer to help out in some way. This way you’ll discover for yourself the challenge of combining prayer and fellowship with practical action to support marriage and family life.

There are about 450 people in the Diocese of Winchester who have made a commitment to Mothers’ Union by becoming members, and we would love you to be one of them. There are lots of ways that Mothers’ Union membership can contribute to your life and faith.

To support and enable their care, concern and action in the support of marriage and family life, all members receive:

  • Two copies of ‘Archway’, the Diocesan Mothers’ Union newsletter;
  • three copies of Families Worldwide’, a magazine which draws together information about members activities around the world, social policy issues relating to the UK and UN, and includes a daily prayer diary;
  • a subscription to ‘Families First’ our national magazine featuring issues that relate to marriage and family life.
  • A monthly e-News keeping you up to date with the latest news

BRANCH MEMBERSHIP enables members to meet together regularly throughout the year, although more branches are now opting for a more informal schedule or meet as part of a project. Projects and meetings are both themed to the Aims and Objectives of Mothers’ Union and include a period of prayer.

DIOCESAN MEMBERSHIP is aimed at those members who through local or personal circumstances do not think more local membership is relevant for them. Diocesan members have all their magazines mailed to them direct and their own newsletter together with other papers about Diocesan initiatives that might interest them. They are invited to share in whatever regional events are appropriate to them, and have occasional gatherings purely for Diocesan Members.

ALL MEMBERS must have been baptised in the name of the Holy Trinity and declare their their support of the Aims and Objectives of Mothers’ Union. Traditionally enrolment has been a public declaration of support for Mothers’ Union, after which the new member receives a signed membership card to remind them of their commitment. Membership follows the calendar year, with payment being due in the September before the new membership year.

If you are considering membership and want to find out more, please contact us.