The Theme for the Mothers’ Union 2025 is ‘Join Us and Join In’ and the resources are available on the National Mothers’ Union Website Here
‘Archway’ our Diocesan Magazine  is published twice a year and is available for Distribution at the Information Days – Thank You.
Please note the dates for copy, printing and distribution are:-
Spring: copy 7 March; Packing 25 April; Distribution 28 April
Autumn Copy 31 August; Packing 10 October; Distribution 15 October

Mothers’ Union Prayers – We meet in the Cathedral for our Monthly Cathedral prayers – where possible these are also being shared via video on Winchester Mothers Union Facebook page and a link is provided in the ‘latest posts’ of this website
Dates for your Diary (correct at time of publication 2 January 2025)

Dates for 2025




9th Sunday Commissioning Service for leadership team. 3.30pm Winchester Cathedral Evensong.
12th Wednesday 10.30am Cathedral Prayers lead by Overton Members Note change of Date
20th Thursday Diocesan Synod
25th Tuesday Lady Day
30th Sunday Mothering Sunday


2nd Wednesday10.30am Cathedral prayers lead by Christchurch Members
18th – 20th Easter
20th Monday Diocesan Council and Information Day. St Gabriel’s Church, Popley RG24 9DU


7th Wednesday 10.30am Cathedral prayers lead by Odiham Deanery
13th – 15th Provincial Conference, Highgate House
29th – 8th June Thy Kingdom Come – Global Wave of Prayer


4th Wednesday Cathedral Prayers lead by Romsey members
19th Thursday 11am Festival Service St Lawrence Church, Winchester
25th WednesdayDiocesan Synod meeting
27th-29th Leadership Conference in Liverpool


2nd Wednesday10.30am Cathedral Prayers lead by Lyndhurst Deanery


6th Wednesday 10.30am Cathedral Prayers lead by Southampton Deanery
followed by Laying of Flowers on Mary Sumner Grave.
9th Saturday Mary Sumner Day Service – details to be confirmed.


3rd Wednesday 10.30am Cathedral Prayers lead by Trustees
27th Saturday Provincial Gathering Oxford


1st Wednesday Cathedral Prayers lead by Bournemouth Deanery followed by Speakers Forum.
15th Wednesday Information Day. Hedge End
12th – 18th Prisons Week
18th Saturday Anti Slavery Day


5th Wednesday 10.30am Cathedral Prayers lead by members from Hedge End
20th Thursday Diocesan Synod meeting
25th Tuesday 12noon – 2pm Prayer Vigil outside Cathedral – to be confirmed
25th – 10th December International 16 days of Activism against Gender Based Violence.


3rd Wednesday 10.30am Monthly Prayers – to be confirmed