Welcome to the website of the Mothers’ Union (MU) in the Diocese of Winchester.
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The MU Theme for our Daily prayers in February is ‘Membership’
Monthly Prayer.
We give thanks to you, Lord for our membership in the global Mothers’ Union.
May We be blessed with a sense of connection and belonging.
May We accept the call in the power of the Holy Spirit to grow in faith.
May we be empowered in all that we do and say to help others.
May we bloom where you plant us, O Lord Amen
What’s on in February
5th Wednesday 10.30am Cathedral Prayers lead by Winchester Deanery
7th – 14th National Marriage Week.
What do we do?
MU supports families and communities in need of support in the UK and across the world, with members working tirelessly to serve their communities whilst offering Christian care for families, regardless of faith or background, working to end violence, end poverty and end injustice.
The Worldwide Headquarters is based at Mary Sumner House in London. They live stream Mid-Day Prayers on Facebook – an opportunity for everyone to be part of the on-going cycle of Prayer which is part and parcel of the Mothers’ Union way of life.
If you would like to contact us, for any reason, please ‘click’ HOME on the menu at the bottom of this page and then ‘Contact us’