Welcome to the website of the Mothers’ Union (MU) in the Diocese of Winchester.

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The MU Theme for our Daily prayers in March is ‘The Power of Love through Christ’

Monthly Prayer.
Father, we thank you that through the sacrificial love of Christ
we have been shown the transcending and transforming power of love.
Thank you for the unending grace and redemption found in his sacrifice.
Thank you for his selfless sacrifice, which exemplifies the depths of your
love for us. May we reflect his love in all we do.
Help us to be people showing love for others through, inclusion,
forgiveness, compassion, and social justice.
In your Holy name we pray Amen
(based on 1 John 4:7-12)

What’s on in March

9th Sunday Commissioning Service for leadership team. 3.30pm Winchester Cathedral Evensong.
12th Wednesday 10.30am Cathedral Prayers lead by Overton Members Note change of Date
20th Thursday Diocesan Synod
25th Tuesday Lady Day
30th Sunday Mothering Sunday.

What do we do?
MU supports families and communities in need of support in the UK and across the world, with members working  tirelessly to serve their communities whilst offering Christian care for families, regardless of faith or background,  working to end violence, end poverty and end injustice.

The Worldwide Headquarters  is based at Mary Sumner House in London. They live stream Mid-Day Prayers on Facebook – an opportunity for everyone to be part of the on-going cycle of Prayer which is part and parcel of the Mothers’ Union way of life.

If you would like to contact us, for any reason, please ‘click’ HOME on the menu at the bottom of this page and then ‘Contact us’